Welcome to Supply Chain, Finance & Expenses!

  • HFHS Users: Please sign in with your CORP Account. (example jdoe1) - The CORP Account is the ID and password used to log into Windows, Outlook, and Epic.
      Problems Logging in for HFHS Users? Go to the HFHS Self-Service Password Reset to unlock your account or reset your password.
  • HFAH Users: Please sign in with your HFHS CORP Account. (example jdoe1) - The HFHS CORP Account is the ID and password used to log into HFHS PeopleSoft and Epic.
      Problems Logging in for HFAH Users? Go to the HFHS Self-Service Password Reset to unlock your account or reset your password.
  • HAP Users: Please sign in with your HAP Account. (example jdoe1) - The HAP Account is the ID and password used to log into Windows and Outlook.
      Problems Logging in for HAP Users? Go to the HAP Self-Service Password Reset to unlock your account or reset your password.
  • Other employees that do not have an HFHS Corp ID will continue to use their Employee ID and HR password to login